Thursday, March 31, 2011

So much to blog about, so little time.

So, like my title says, I have so much to blog about I don't even know where to start. So my plan is to start with the oldest happening.

As I stated in a previous post Audrey loves books. She also loves her new car Daddy bought for her. So, naturally, she loves to read books while sitting in her car. It is the cutest thing. She gets in, blows me kisses bye-bye and reads books to herself. I try to tell her that reading while driving is very dangerous but she doesn't listen.

Daddy said it was okay for us to take her car outside, I pushed her around the block and she laughed the whole way.  
I wish I had taken more pictures of this outing but all I had was my phone and she was not feeling very photogenic.

Lately Audrey has been telling me when she is going potty, or when she has poop. I feel like a horrible Mother because I am not jumping at the occasion to potty train her. Twice before I have considered potty training, worked with her, and even got her to pee in the potty quite a few times. She would not ever tell me she needed to go and it is very difficult to keep going to the bathroom with her every 10 minutes. I am not a stay at home mom so my time at home is very limited. Audrey also spends her day with 2 other people besides myself, and how do I know they are going to be consistent with her?

I know I should just get to it and if it works it works, if it doesn't, keep trying... I am so confused on this whole potty training thing. I HATE it. HATE HATE HATE potty training. Of all my motherly duties I feel I have done a great job at most of them, now I have met my match. I am going to try again soon, so wish me luck. Lord knows I'll need it.

I apologize if this post seems all over the place, it is hard writing from work. There are too many distractions.

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