Wednesday, March 2, 2011

My Iphone Decision

I have decided to get an Iphone and my reasons are ridiculous. Reason #1 I play Farmville on Facebook, I have a boring job and it keeps me entertained, I get jealous that I cannot buy certain items because I do not have an Iphone. Reason #2 I blog, obviously, however I have a hard time blogging because my laptop has finally seen its last day, and the computer at work only likes me occasionally. I want an Iphone so I may access blogger whenever I please. Reason #3 I love reading Cosmopolitan. I have read it since I was a teenager and I have a subscription to it now. I want to have a Cosmopolitan app on my phone. The older I get the less I read in the magazine, mostly I just appreciate the occasional style and beauty tip. I believe it will be much more fun getting random tips from my phone.

So, those are my reasons. Of course there are a few other things that make me want to hop on the bandwagon and join the rest of the Iphone world, such as; a 5 megapixel camera, a touch screen, and a compass that is unnecessary, yet fun to play with. There are also reasons I do not want an Iphone, such as; a touch screen, the fact that everyone now has one thanks to Verizon, and since they are new to the Verizon network there still may be bugs that need to be corrected.

Anyone who knows me knows that I LOVE electronic gadgets. Im obsessed with anything new, however I know better than to buy new. Every electronic has some sort of kink that needs to be worked out, so I always buy the second or third verson of something. Usually by then they have it worked out and it's amazing. I know the Iphone from Verizon is not the first Iphone but it is the first for Verizon, networking is different and all sorts of other little things. I have yet to hear of anyone having a problem so Im going to suck it up and get one, wish me luck :)

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