Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Perfect Balance

This weekend was perfect. It was full of fun, relaxation, and a fair share of work. On Friday morning Audrey and I baked brownies for Daddy. He has been begging me since I made them for the bake sale. I decided Friday would be a good day to make them since I would not be home that evening. I was going for a girls night and I hoped the brownies would keep him from whining about me leaving.

As much as I tried to enjoy baking with Audrey, I am not going to lie, it was beyond stressful. No matter what I said she would not keep her hands off of everything. I know this is to be expected but for some reason I was terrified she would eat something that would make her sick. A lick here and a lick there is one thing, but she kept trying to take spoonfuls of either butter, batter, sugar, and even tried drinking the vanilla!

I really did enjoy involving her but I think I will aim for something a little less messy next time we bake. I have a few super cute pictures of her helping me and if you are wondering what in the world she is wearing, let me explain.

When Audrey dances she likes to wear her purple skirt. Whenever she sees this skirt she puts it on, runs up to me, starts dancing and yelling "dance! dance!" It is the cutest thing ever. I had not yet changed her out of her pajamas for the day when she found her skirt. Before our bake party we had a dance party. That is why she is wearing a purple skirt with a blue and red cherry shirt, just FYI.

Getting started, she just had to go get her blanket first.
I turned around to measure sugar, when I turned back around this is what I found.


I wish I could act this animalistic and get away with it

She even helped me clean up afterward. She of course had to have a variety of rags and say "cean cean" the whole time she was working. 

After brownies we did our usual daily activites. Snacks, coloring, running, watering plants, nap time, cleaning/messing up the house, etc.

At 6:30 I left with my mom and some friends to go to dinner and a movie in Show Low. We went and saw Bridesmaids. It was hilarious! I am so excited for it to come out on dvd for Brandon to watch. I know he will think it is funny. It was one of the funniest movies I have seen in a long time. Yes, it was more funny than Hangover 2, by far.

We got home late and Brandon was ready for me to wake up by 6am!!! I tried my best to ignore him but then he brought Audrey to my bedside and that face is so worth waking up for. All day saturday we spend doing yard work. I worked my little tushie off fertilizing, trimming, and watering my roses. I cut down all the suckers from trees and watered EVERYTHING! I slept like a dead person last night.

I hope everyone enjoyed their weekend, and I hope you have a good week!

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