Monday, June 27, 2011

The Life of a Lioness

Audrey's little kitty is hilarious. She loves to play outside so in the morning I take all the kids outside to play while I water. All the kids being, Audrey, Kat, and Roxy. Sometimes Roxy will chase Kat up a tree or, Kat will climb up a tree just to stretch her claws out. Audrey gets really upset when Kat goes up a tree. She yells, "oh no, oh no!!" That too is hilarious.

Today Kat decided she was going to lounge in the tree. It was too cute not to take pictures of. I had just read the Lion King to Audrey and that was what she reminded me of. Anyway, she looked super cute relaxing up in the tree, while Audrey was on the ground having a panic attack over it.

Cute right?

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