Tuesday, June 28, 2011

All it Takes is a Coat of Paint

We painted our house! Well, Brandon and Earl did. I supervised, sort of. I went to get a band aid and Audrey stuck her foot in a paint pan and walked everywhere. It was hilarious though and for the record, I did not know that pan was there. There were cute little footprints on the sidewalk and on the driveway. Earl and I laughed and cracked jokes, while Brandon sat there huffing and puffing. Sorry sweetheart there are things to get mad about and there are things to laugh about. Paint comes off concrete so this was a time to laugh.

I took my eyes off of her for two seconds and she steps in a paint pan, some people were like oh em gee. I was like, BFD. It was hilarious. Lighten up people, jeez.   :o)   (So sorry)

We did not take an official 'before' picture. I do not know why but oh well. The picture that I do have has the white trim already painted, and some gray along side the trim. You will get the idea though. Also, there is a strip above the front door that was not painted so just ignore that.

Now that I look at them, it turns out I do not have an actual after picture either. It actually makes me laugh because I thought I had one of each, at least. In the first 'after' picture the section by the front door is not finished. The second 'after' picture is just the front section of the house on the same day. It still looks pretty though.

The white wood trim and the flower boxes were quite a job for Brandon. He built all new window boxes for me, I was always complaining about them. He built them with metal rods in the bottom so that when the water runs over the top of the flower planters it drains into the flower beds below instead of sitting and rotting a wood bottom. He did a great job.

Oh, and Audrey helped too.

Just needs paint!

He also fixed all the wood trim in the front of the house. Some of it was rotting, mostly the bottom parts. He used his wood working skills and replaced it all. Looks like new!

The day the actual roller painting started was on Father's Day. That was the best Father's Day ever, and I am not even a Father. We all had a great time goofing off and working at the same time. Earl and I have this joke when we go cut wood with Brandon, we goof off and then joke that the other is going to get fired by Brandon. Brandon is all work and no play, so Earl and I mess around until Brandon says something to us. Brandon plays along too sometimes by pretending to be "big boss" but it's funny. We did that most the time they were painting. Those two crack me up.

I decided I would help paint too and this is what happened.
They did not let me paint anymore after that.

The house is all finished except for the security doors. I think security doors are ugly but Brandon refuses to take them off. So, we compromised. We are going to have them painted white to match the trim and give it a more clean look. I will take a picture tomorrow morning of the finished house complete with flowers in the window boxes.

I love the house now, I think it is very pretty! And it matches my very pretty car :o)

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