Thursday, April 28, 2011

Pretty Little Liars (although none of them actually are)

I am posting a small vent. I apologize in advance for this, but since blogs are somewhat of a journal/diary I figure better to vent here than Facebook or Twitter. That way, if nobody wants to see it, then they don't have to. So if you do not want to read a vent, don't read this post (in case you didn't already gather that).

I HATE liars. I am talking about little lies, lies that do not matter, lies that would have made no difference had the teller told the truth. I hate useless lies. Lies that have no purpose, whatsoever. Lies that people say just to make someone else feel foolish, as if they had done something wrong, when they did not. And last but not least, I hate liars that tell lies to make them feel better about themselves.

That being said, I am a liar, of sorts. I make people think I am less intelligent than I actually am. This is rather stupid actually, because then people lie to me even more often, because they think I will have no idea. I find it amusing. I usually say nothing and keep my thoughts to myself. I've never been one to care what people think.

I HATE secrecy. I find people that try to be secretive about insignificant things, are very conceited. Because in all actuality, nobody cares. I HATE when people tell me "Don't tell so-n-so, but I'm losing my car." (Example)    Really?? I am 100% positive that "So-n-so" is, A: not going to care. And B: going to notice that you don't have a car anymore!!!  And then, to top it off, said person tells "so-n-so" the next day anyway! My point being - stop trying to live like a celebrity. You are not high profile and nobody cares about your secrets anyway. "Laying low" when everybody is going to find out the next day anyway, is sort of pointless don't ya think? Even worse when it's family. Still, "so-n-so" doesn't ever care about things you think are a big deal. Because usually, they aren't.

In the second to last paragraph of my vent post, I'd like to talk about how much I hate envy. I hate people that try to make you envy them. I also hate people who are envious. This is a sin for a reason. I'm not going to be envious of your $200 purse or your new car, so stop trying to flaunt it. I do not care if you bought your clothes at Dillards or at Savers, it does not make a difference to me. Although I would find you a very wise person if you bought your originally $108 pair of jeans at Saver for $12. In that case, you go girl. Do not be envious of other people, be happy for them. It takes less energy and you will feel much better about yourself. Count your blessing and do not try to live up to other people's standards.  "Always be a first rate version of yourself, instead of a second rate version of someone else." - Judy Garland

I am not usually a negative person. I have gone through a lot in the last 4 years that have brought me to a bitter, negative place and I am slowly digging myself out. I have been happier in the last few months than I have been in a long time. It is hard to be optimistic and happy when you are surrounded by bitter - unhappy people. My Dad always said, "you are who you hang out with." Like I said, I am getting back to that happy, optimistic, glass-half-full, attitude that I used to have. However, like every person alive I am allowed to have moments of unhappiness, where I just need to have a nice long vent. Chalk it up to PMS or something, I don't care. All I know, is that letting out often seems to be the best way to feel better. :)

1 comment:

Venessa said...

"don't live your life like a celebrity.." I love it!

Thats so crazy because just today I was thinking to myself that I can get so envious and jealous of other people and thats not how I want to live my life at all! I need to be more greatful and content :)

I hope that you feel better about whatever/whoever is upseting you! Love ya!