Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Audrey's Day

On Friday we had a day that was dedicated to Audrey, doing whatever she wanted to do. Since she can only say a few words we had to use our Mommy - Daughter connection to converse about the days activities. At breakfast time she told me she wanted a brownie for breakfast, she can in fact say brownie. Although I was not aware of this fact until after I told her what the name of the dark, cake like, treat Mommy had in her hand was. She then made sure that I knew she wanted a brownie for breakfast too. I do not think it is fair for me to eat brownies for breakfast and not share with Audrey. What kind of mother would I be? Not a very awesome one that's for sure.

After our delightful brownie breakfast (with a side of apple to make me feel less guilty), we went outside to play in water and mud. Well, that's what she did anyway, I was trying to water the roses and other greenery in our yard. I also was planting seeds and she helped.


And After

Around 10am Audrey decided she wanted Grandma to come join our outdoor fun, and poof, there she was. No, I'm kidding, Grandma really did come over but it was a planned tanning date between her and I. She played with Audrey and helped me pull weeds until her appointment at 11. At this time Audrey told me she was ready for a nap and I was ready to do yard work without having to use the eyes in the back of my head. When Grandma came back from her appointment I left to go get my tan on. I hate grossly tan skin but you know what I hate even more? Pale, pasty white, never see the sun, milk baby, white skin. Yuck. So I go tanning to get a nice little glow.

After my tanning appointment I came home and had quite the scare. Audrey was already awake in Grandma's lap and her arm was bright, fire engine red. My mommy instincts knew it wasn't a sunburn, but I had no other idea what it was at the time. We thought maybe she had been bit by an insect or something but there was not any swelling. Grandma thought she had just gotten really sunburned, but there was no way it would happen on just one side of her body. Thankfully it turned out she had just been laying on it wrong and cutting off her circulation. Now, before you go jumping to conclusions, the only reason I did not instantly hop in the car and take her to the hospital is because when asked if it was "owie" she did not respond. Audrey knows what "owie" means and if it were hurting her should would have repeated it back to me. She acted fine and I know, as her mother, if she acts fine she is fine. After about 20 minutes her beautiful skin color came back and she was a happy camper.

Since it was so beautiful outside Audrey told me she wanted to wear something super cute and weather appropriate. This is what we ended up with.
After Grandma left she signed to me that it was time to eat. She told me she wanted chicken nuggets from Burger King. I was feeling especially nice so I even got her some ranch to go with her nuggets and fries. She ended up eating ranch with a side of nuggets and fries. Girl loves her condiments. We ate outside on the swing Brandon made me last year. She loves to swing, she loves to eat, and she loves to be outside. It was a win-win situation.

After playing all day and getting as dirty as we possibly could, it was time for a bath. I needed a shower myself so I let her bathe in my tub while I showered next to her. She thought this was the best idea ever! We talked, sang songs, and played peek-a-boo while getting nice and squeeky clean!

Cutest tan lines ever!
We ended the night with Chinese take out at Papa and Grandma Craig's. Here she is having sweet and sour sauce with a side of, well I'm not really sure what that is. I know I didn't eat one.

Audrey's day was a huge success. We had a wonderful time and can't wait to do it again.  Aw, who am I kidding?! Everyday is Audrey's day in our house!

Here are a few random pictures taken yesterday. I have to post them because they are too darn cute not to.
Daddy sent me this today. It's so cute right?! I love Audrey!


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