Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Craig Campout '09

We went on our yearly campout early this year because nobody wanted me to go into labor while we were in the woods! So we went behind Overgaard again, but the spot was so beautiful this time. Tons of trees and a meadow just across the way. We had such a good time! It went by way to fast though. I really want to go camping one more time this year but it's just not going to happen =( We did some riding, most of my riding was done either alone - on my father in laws quad cuz it's not bumpy, or with Krista in the teryx because its more comfortable. At least I was able to go riding though. I was so depressed thinking it would be too painful. It wasn't any worse than riding in Brandon's truck!! Earl's quad was even better actually! haha. We had a really great time with everyone, I can't wait until next year and we can take Audrey. Roxy found herself a lizard and she chased it and finally caught it. She was so proud of herself!! lol We had to take it from her though because it had a crazy blue belly and we were scared it would be poisonous, she was not happy with us. So here are some pics of that lil adventure.

On another note - Brandon sprained his ankle at work last week. He hasn't been able to walk!! It was a workman's comp injury so they took him to the hospital for x rays. It was so severly sprained the doctor had no idea how he managed to not break it. It was awful, the whole ankle, foot and leg were so swollen he couldn't get his boot off! I feel so bad for him. Still a week later he can barely walk. They have him doing paperwork in his office which is driving him crazy! So I've been trying to take care of him the best I can. Im not that great at it being that Im 9 months preg, but Im trying!!!!

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