Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Good Morning!

Im hungry, haha. Well, I have been feeling alright so far. Mostly just tired, and I can't eat hardly anything, it all sounds so gross! But on monday I woke up at 3am because my stomach hurt. I couldnt fall back asleep because of it and around 5 I ended up throwing up :( Brandon is such a dork. I get back in bed and he says, "what's wrong with you?" Yeah, he didn't ask if I was ok, he asked what was wrong with me! I told him, "Im pregnant!!!!!" Men, I swear. But anyway, I didnt have any food in my stomach so it was more like dry heaving, and it hurt! Afterwards I felt fine and I haven't been sick since, and I'm hoping my morning sickness ends up being very mild! So on a less gross note, how bout them cardinals huh??!!! Yay! Go cards! I saw on the news this morning that some dummy wrote go cards! on Donovan McNabbs lawn in diesel fuel. People are so stupid sometimes. Cardinals already won, leave him alone! He's probably not going to want to live in Arizona anymore. I know there was an inaugeration yesterday but I'm not going to say anything about it because I think it was ridiculous. So, Im going to mention Jan Brewer's inaugeration as Governor today. YAY! No more Janet Neopolitan (haha, can't spell) Well, Im starving so I have to go find something that sounds at least decent! Later!

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