Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Day to Day Audrey

Audrey has a new favorite toy and lucky for me it was free. She spends so much time in this box I couldn't possibly take it from her, she would be devasted. She watches tv from it, drinks her juice will laying in it, puts her dolls and stuffed animals in it, and hides from Mommy in it. Mommy hates this box. It sits in front of the couch and gets in Mommy's way. Also in front of the couch is her sofa chair. My living room is so cluttered with Audrey's furniture there's barely enough room to walk.

Audrey also loves putting on Mommy's shower caps. Yes, I wear a shower cap when I do not want to get my hair wet. Apparently this is something only old ladies do, I was informed of this information when I posted this picture on Facebook. I still love my shower cap and I will still wear it. I will not be deterred by old lady references. Audrey looks much more adorable in it than I do however. *Side note, She looks a little sad here because she was teething and had a high fever.

Well this is the end of my post because my computer is not letting me upload the rest of my pictures. I'll try again tomorrow.

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