Tuesday, September 29, 2009

New pics

Well there isn't a whole lot goin on over here since I posted yesterday......LOL. Audrey loves playing on her tummy. She is going to crawl early I bet she just sits there and peels out! If you give her traction she scoots! I love it. She also rolled over today. Im pretty sure she had no idea what she was doing and it was really an accident (even though she did it twice right after she was born!! she was mad haha)but it was still exciting! My little girl is almost a month old already! Where does the time go?? I bought Brandon a PS3 for christmas but he ended up being the one who answered the door when it came and my suprise was completely ruined! So, me being just as excited as him about it, decided to open it and start using it! He already knew what it was so what's the point in waiting three months? I didn't pay $300 so it could sit there and collect dust when we both knew about it!!!!! Anyway, everybody is doing good. Audrey is growing as fast as everbody said she would, they weren't kidding when they say "don't blink"!!! Here are some pics of my little sweetheart.

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